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Welcome to our new site!
We are very excited about our fresh new layout and all its features.
- We have a new rewards points program that lets you collect points online and in store; you must create an account to collect points, to collect in store you just need to remind us! Even if you had an account on the previous site you will still need to create a new account.
- We also have a new gift registry system; if you have an active registry you should have received an email from us, if you didn’t please contact us.
The Great Cloth Diaper Change is once again approaching (April 26, 2014).
This year, we are co-hosting this event again at Ecole Secondaire Du Somme. Details about this event and how to participate is here:
To get you ready for the event we have some sales!
- April 22-26: all in stock AppleCheeks are 15% off (use "AppleCheeks15" at checkout) , and all in stock bumGenius are 10% off (use "bumGenius10" at checkout), sales applies online and in store.
Last but not least we have some awesome contests going on right now!
- We need some product reviews for the new site, so create an account and submit a review of your favourite products. Every review you submit will get you an entry to win a $25 FBB gift card! Just make sure you are logged into your account when you write your review. Check out details on our Facebook

- Our “My Creative Stash Shot check it out on Facebook Get your entry in; contest closes April 26! If you don't already follow us on Facebook you really should! We always have some contest or giveaway going on, who doesn't like to win stuff!

And don’t forget we offer free shipping for all orders over $149 with in Canada!
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